About us

Let me draw a crooked line for you, from The Paris Review, the first literary journal I ever bought…to my newest discovery: Apofenie.

—Askold Melnyczuk

Apofenie is an online literary magazine founded in 2017. Although Central and Eastern European literature has come to represent the backbone of our platform — we were even named one of the 10 best English-language magazines from across Eastern Europe and Central Asia by The Calvert Journal—writers and translators from across the globe are welcomed to submit their work, as long as what they have to submit is compelling.

We welcome interviews, book reviews, fiction, non-fiction, poetry and art. In the past we used to put out several issues a year, but these days, we’re experimenting with putting out content as we get it. (Perhaps once our editor-in-chief Kate Tsurkan regains the mental bandwidth lost by russia invading her country, that might change, but for now—it’s the best solution we’ve got.) In the digital pages of Apofenie you’ll find work that bigger magazines were foolish to pass on, up-and-coming writers building their craft, established greats, and more.

Wondering about our submission guidelines? Read on below.


First things first: please be at least somewhat familiar with our latest content. You’d be amazed by how many people submitted something to an issue that was already released months prior. It makes you look bad and puts our editors in a bad mood.


Send all submissions to apofeniemagazine@gmail.com. Submissions should specify genre and include a three-sentence biographical statement.

We accept simultaneous submissions as long as we are notified immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere. For translations, we require a statement that you have received the author's and/or the publisher's permission to submit it for publication. We will not consider previously published work in said language. All rights revert back to the author upon publication.

Unfortunately, we are not able to pay contributors at this time but as soon as we’re able to change that, we’ll let you know.

Poetry: 5 poems maximum

Fiction/Nonfiction: 5,000 words maximum

Columns/Book Reviews: 5,000 words maximum

Visual Art: 10 pieces maximum